The mission of Mercy Kids is to partner with parents by helping kids discover and grow as disciples of Christ. Children are part of our "church family" and so we are committed to building a church community that honors our children and invests in them well. This includes the following key values:
Children must be kept absolutely safe and secure at all times
Children must be treated with dignity and respect
Children learn best in a context of Grace-based authority and care
A child's parent(s) is his or her first and best teacher; we are working together for the benefit of your child
Your First Visit to Mercy Kids
When you arrive with your child, we will register him or her and get them checked-in. We suggest arriving around 9:45 to facilitate this process for the first time.

On Sunday Morning
During the worship service children from birth to two years old will be provided supervision by childcare workers. They will be provided appropriate toys and snacks. All children are released to their parents before the end of the service in order that they might be with their family during the celebration of the Lord's Supper. This takes place around 11:20am.
Children’s Church
During the sermon, children ages three to eight will be allowed, at their parents' discretion, to leave the main worship service area, where they will be taught a Bible lesson. There will also be a craft, story, and snack prepared for them by childcare workers. All children are released to their parents before the end of the service in order that they might be with their family during the celebration of the Lord's Supper. This takes place around 11:20am.
No additional programming is provided for children ages nine and up. Instead, they will be seated with their parents during our family friendly worship service. We do provide children's bulletins for young kids which helps them follow along the theme of the sermon while sitting with their parents. Parents may also wish to help their children take age-appropriate notes that pertain to the sermon.
If you desire more information on the curriculum we use for teaching your children, please contact us!