My Faith Promise 2025

Committing to our church’s budget is called a Faith Promise. This is your faith-based “best guess” of what you plan to give to Mercy Hill in 2025.

  • Reason #1: The Gospel

    First, it is one way our members and regular attenders practice financial stewardship. Tithing, or giving ten percent of one’s income to the work of the local church, requires faith and discipline. When we make this promise, we rely on God, not on our own power to accomplish this task. We also give as Christians -- gratefully responding to what He has done in our lives in the Gospel: “freely we have received; freely we give.” (Matthew 10:8)

    While the tithe is ordinarily expected of all in covenant members/families, we also believe that giving sacrificially and by faith is more important than the exact amount you give. Also, we believe that for some the tithe might not represent a faith-based gift: some should give more; others less. We also encourage the children in your household to make a faith promise. This helps them learn to play their part in the Body of Christ:  “For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:12)

    Reason #2: Faithful Planning

    A second reason for this annual campaign is that the My Faith Promise allows our leadership to responsibly plan for the year’s expenses. We rely on your own faithful planning as we make our plans. If this is not your normal practice or if you struggle to be a good steward in this area, the elders of Mercy Hill are committed to helping each member and family “thrive in Christ,” including in your finances. If debt, unemployment, or other difficult circumstances hinder your giving at this time, our desire is to provide help and resources so that you may grow in this area and better help further the Gospel in South Jersey and beyond. Let us know if we can help: We’re in this together!

  • When you fill out your My Faith Promise pledge, there are two forms: (1) the first form is for your name ; (2) the second form is just your giving amount. PLEASE FILL OUT AND SUBMIT BOTH FORMS

    This allows us to know you have made a faith promise so we can be praying for you and your faithful stewardship and giving in the coming year. Your giving amount is submitted separately so we can plan for our 2025 budget without tying your name to the number.

Thank you for your support and for your partnership in the Gospel with us!


Here are several recommended Faith Goals that you can consider as examples for shaping your promise

Please fill out and submit both Form #1 and Form#2

Form #1: Please submit your name

Form #2: Kindly provide the frequency and sum you intend to give